1. FLUENT CFD MODELING IN DESIGN OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL DRY STORAGE CASK Open Access Author: Kern, Ludwig August Title: FLUENT CFD MODELING IN DESIGN OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL DRY STORAGE CASK Graduate Program: Nuclear Engineering Keywords: Fluentfluent modelingcfdcfd modelingfluent modelcfd modelcomputational fluid dynamicsnuclearnuclear engineeringdry storagedry storage caskspent fuelspent nuclear fuelnuclear fuelrbmkchernobylholtecthermalheat transfernatural convectionconvectionnatural convective flowannularprototypefull-scalevalidationcfd codenavier-stokesnavier-stokes equation File: Download Kern_MS_NucE_Thesis_2009_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: Fan Bill B Cheung, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorFan Bill B Cheung, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJohn Michael Cimbala, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Uncertainty Analysis of Spent Nuclear Fuel Isotopics and Rod Internal Pressure Open Access Author: Bratton, Ryan Nathaniel Title: Uncertainty Analysis of Spent Nuclear Fuel Isotopics and Rod Internal Pressure Graduate Program: Nuclear Engineering Keywords: SCALEFRAPCONrod internal pressurefuel isotopicsspent nuclear fuel File: Download RyanBratton-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Kostadin Nikolov Ivanov, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorIgor Jovanovic, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMonique Yvonne Yaari, Committee MemberMaria Nikolova Avramova, Committee MemberMatthew A Jessee, Special MemberWilliam A Wieselquist, Special Member