1. Bioremediation of Diesel Contaminated Soil Using Spent Mushroom Compost Open Access Author: Eramo, Alessia Giuseppina Title: Bioremediation of Diesel Contaminated Soil Using Spent Mushroom Compost Graduate Program: Environmental Engineering Keywords: compostingbioremediationspent mushroom compostdiesel fuelsoil contamination File: Download Thesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Rachel Alice Brennan, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorRachel Alice Brennan, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Effective and low-cost treatment of acid mine drainage using chitin as a fractional amendment to compost Open Access Author: Newcombe, Caroline Title: Effective and low-cost treatment of acid mine drainage using chitin as a fractional amendment to compost Graduate Program: Environmental Engineering Keywords: spent mushroom compostchitinacid mine drainageremediation File: Download FinalThesis.pdf Committee Members: Rachel Alice Brennan, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorRachel Alice Brennan, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Reuse of Spent Mushroom Compost for Production of Agaricus bisporus Open Access Author: Warnstrom, Emmie Lynne Title: Reuse of Spent Mushroom Compost for Production of Agaricus bisporus Graduate Program: Plant Pathology Keywords: Agaricus bisporusmushroomsspent mushroom substratespent mushroom compostwhite button mushroom File: Download WarnstromE_Thesis_8-2.pdf Committee Members: Donald Durwood Davis, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDaniel J Royse, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
4. APPLICATION OF SPENT MUSHROOM COMPOST TO ANTHRACITE MINE SOILS: BIOMASS PRODUCTION, SOIL FERTILITY, AND SPATIAL INVENTORY OF SUITABLE MINE SITES Open Access Author: Banfill, James Steven Title: APPLICATION OF SPENT MUSHROOM COMPOST TO ANTHRACITE MINE SOILS: BIOMASS PRODUCTION, SOIL FERTILITY, AND SPATIAL INVENTORY OF SUITABLE MINE SITES Graduate Program: Soil Science Keywords: coal mine reclamationspent mushroom compostwarm-season grassbiomassswitchgrasslandscape fragmentation File: Download Final_thesis.pdf Committee Members: Richard Charles Stehouwer, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDouglas Alan Miller, Committee MemberDouglas Brian Beegle, Committee MemberDavid Eissenstat, Program Head/Chair