1. The decline of suicide in Sweden: 1950-2000 Open Access Author: Ohlander, Julianne Title: The decline of suicide in Sweden: 1950-2000 Graduate Program: Sociology Keywords: antidepressantsreligionidentityProtestant work ethicsocial regulationWeberDurkheimsolidaritySwedensuicidesocial integrationfamilyindividualism-collectivism File: Download OHLANDER_Dissertation_03.18.2010.pdf Committee Members: Gordon De Jong, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorGordon De Jong, Committee Chair/Co-ChairRobert Schoen, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDuane Francis Alwin, Committee MemberEmily Kate Greenman, Committee MemberMark R Leach, Committee Member
2. Immigrant Girls from the Caribbean: Identities, Literacies, and the Academic and Social Construction of Selves Open Access Author: Cole-Malott, Donna Marie Title: Immigrant Girls from the Caribbean: Identities, Literacies, and the Academic and Social Construction of Selves Graduate Program: Curriculum and Instruction Keywords: LiteraciesImmigrant girls from the CaribbeanBlack girlsNew LiteraciesBlack feminismCaribbeanCurriculumMemoryMemory workGirlhoodsolidarityPatriarchySexualityBlackCultural MemoryEndarkened feminismSocial identitiesAcademic identities File: Download Cole-Malott_-_Dissertation_9_24.pdf Committee Members: Jeanine Staples, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJeanine Staples, Committee Chair/Co-ChairAshley Nichol Patterson, Committee MemberVivian Yenika-Agbaw, Committee MemberMelissa Wright, Outside Member