1. LATENT CLASS ANALYSIS WITH INFORMATIVE PRIORS Open Access Author: Root, Tammy Lynn Title: LATENT CLASS ANALYSIS WITH INFORMATIVE PRIORS Graduate Program: Human Development and Family Studies Keywords: latent class analysissmall sampleidentificationBayesian methodologyinformative priors File: Download Root_dissertation_final.pdf Committee Members: Linda Marie Collins, Committee Chair/Co-ChairLeann L Birch, Committee MemberRunze Li, Committee MemberRhonda Belue, Committee Member
2. The performance of model fit measures by robust weighted least squares estimators in Confirmatory Factor Analysis Open Access Author: Zhao, Yu Title: The performance of model fit measures by robust weighted least squares estimators in Confirmatory Factor Analysis Graduate Program: Educational Psychology Keywords: model fitfit indicesmodel misspecificationmodel sizeCFAcut-offsmall sampleWLSMVDWLSordinal variables File: Download Dissertation-Yu_Zhao.pdf Committee Members: Pui Wa Lei, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorPui Wa Lei, Committee Chair/Co-ChairHoi Kin Suen, Committee MemberJonna Marie Kulikowich, Committee MemberAleksandra B Slavkovic, Committee Member