1. A GENERAL THEORY FOR NONLINEAR SUFFICIENT DIMENSION REDUCTION: FORMULATION AND ESTIMATION Open Access Author: Lee, Kuang-yao Title: A GENERAL THEORY FOR NONLINEAR SUFFICIENT DIMENSION REDUCTION: FORMULATION AND ESTIMATION Graduate Program: Statistics Keywords: Dimension reduction σ-fieldUnbiasednessExhaustivenesssliced average variance estimatorsliced inverse regression File: Download kuang_yao_lees_dissertation_final.pdf Committee Members: Bing Li, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorBing Li, Committee Chair/Co-ChairFrancesca Chiaromonte, Committee MemberDr Runze Li, Committee MemberC Lee Giles, Committee Member
2. Model Testing for Partially Linear Models Open Access Author: Waterhouse, Lynn Title: Model Testing for Partially Linear Models Graduate Program: Statistics Keywords: partially linear modelssliced inverse regressionANOVApowerR File: Download LynnWaterhouse_StatThesis_final_edits.pdf Committee Members: Michael G Akritas, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor