1. NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF BLAST-IMPACT PROBLEMS USING THE DIRECT SIMULATION MONTE CARLO METHOD Open Access Author: Sharma, Anupam Title: NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF BLAST-IMPACT PROBLEMS USING THE DIRECT SIMULATION MONTE CARLO METHOD Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: shockblastDSMCBlast-impactparallel programmingOOP File: Download axs455_phd_thesis.pdf Committee Members: Lyle Norman Long, Committee Chair/Co-ChairPhilip John Morris, Committee MemberDr Paul E Plassmann, Committee MemberJames Bernhard Anderson, Committee MemberDr Andrea J Schokker, Committee Member
2. A New Algorithm for Nonlinear Propagation of Broadband Jet Noise Open Access Author: Saxena, Swati Title: A New Algorithm for Nonlinear Propagation of Broadband Jet Noise Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: shockBurgers equationnonlinear acousticsbroadband jet noisepower spectral density File: Download SwatiSaxena-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Philip John Morris, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Design, Modeling, and Simulation of Battery Pack Suspensions for Off-road Electric Vehicles Open Access Author: Aglione, Daniel Lewis Title: Design, Modeling, and Simulation of Battery Pack Suspensions for Off-road Electric Vehicles Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Suspensionmodelingvibrationshockbattery packvehicle File: Download Aglione_MastersThesis_Final.pdf Committee Members: Christopher Rahn, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
4. Absorption and dispersion predictions of noise from en-route subsonic and supersonic aircraft Open Access Author: Petersen, Erik A Title: Absorption and dispersion predictions of noise from en-route subsonic and supersonic aircraft Graduate Program: Acoustics Keywords: AcousticsnoisesubsonicsupersonicaircraftpredictionSutherlandBasssonicboomshockabsorptiondispersion File: Download Petersen_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Victor Ward Sparrow, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor