1. Blast Mitigation Studies for All Metal Plate and Honeycomb Sandwich Panels Open Access Author: Singh, Anand Kumar Title: Blast Mitigation Studies for All Metal Plate and Honeycomb Sandwich Panels Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Blastdesignoptimizationplateshapehoneycomb sandwichvalidation File: Download MS_Thesis-_Anand_Kumar_Singh.pdf Committee Members: Ashok D Belegundu, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorAshok D Belegundu, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Shape Grammar Composition and Salient Feature Identification for a Product Family Open Access Author: Culbertson, Timothy David Title: Shape Grammar Composition and Salient Feature Identification for a Product Family Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: product familystylesimilarityshapeaestheticsfeature identificationfreeform surfaceengineering designindustrial designdesign automation File: Download Culbertson_MSIE_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Timothy William Simpson, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Morphologic Analysis of the Striatum in Parkinson's Disease Open Access Author: Sterling, Nicholas William Title: Morphologic Analysis of the Striatum in Parkinson's Disease Graduate Program: Public Health Sciences Keywords: parkinsonshapeputamencaudateshape volume File: Download 1-Masters_Thesis_2013-04-19.pdf Committee Members: Thomas Allen Lloyd, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor