1. Geographies of Learning: Place, Space, and Embodied Experience in Higher Education Field Courses Open Access Author: Israel, Andrei Leon Title: Geographies of Learning: Place, Space, and Embodied Experience in Higher Education Field Courses Graduate Program: Geography Keywords: fieldworkgeography educationservice-learningplace-based educationgeography of knowledgeDavid Livingstone File: Download A_Israel_Masters_Thesis_8-09.pdf Committee Members: Roger Michael Downs, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorRoger Michael Downs, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Service-Learning Pedagogy As An Instructional Tool for Latino Student Education Open Access Author: Martin, Centrice Title: Service-Learning Pedagogy As An Instructional Tool for Latino Student Education Graduate Program: Applied Youth, Family, and Community Education Keywords: service-learningcharter schoolsLatino educationcritical thinking File: Download MartinThesis_Service-Learning_Pedagogy_As_An_Instructional_Tool_For_Latino_Student_Education.pdf Committee Members: Nicole Sheree Webster, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorNicole Sheree Webster, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJohn Ewing, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMayra Y Bamaca, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. FACILITATING YOUTH CIVIC ENGAGEMENT: CLIMBING THE LADDER OF COMMUNITY AWARENESS & CIVIC ACTION Open Access Author: Bradley, Sean Michael Title: FACILITATING YOUTH CIVIC ENGAGEMENT: CLIMBING THE LADDER OF COMMUNITY AWARENESS & CIVIC ACTION Graduate Program: Educational Theory and Policy Keywords: teacher autonomyteacher leadershipyouth civic engagementstudent voiceservice-learningloose coupling File: Download Sean_Bradley_--_Thesis_Final_Draft.pdf Committee Members: Dana Lynn Mitra, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor