1. Serious Road-Tripping: A Study of Serious and Project-Based Leisure in Self-Drive Recreationists in Alaska Open Access Author: Palso, Nicholas Terence Title: Serious Road-Tripping: A Study of Serious and Project-Based Leisure in Self-Drive Recreationists in Alaska Graduate Program: Recreation, Park and Tourism Management Keywords: Self-drive recreationroad-tripAlaskaserious leisureproject-based leisure File: Download Dissertation_of_Nicholas_Palso.pdf Committee Members: Alan R Graefe, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDeborah Lee Kerstetter, Committee MemberAndrew Justin Mowen, Committee MemberDeryck William Holdsworth, Committee Member
2. The benefits of being a volunteer campus tour guide Open Access Author: Qian, Xinyi Title: The benefits of being a volunteer campus tour guide Graduate Program: Recreation, Park and Tourism Management Keywords: volunteerserious leisurecollege studentcampus tour guidebenefit File: Download thesis_Xinyi_Qian.pdf Committee Members: Careen M Yarnal, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorCareen M Yarnal, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor