1. Understanding Local Sea Level Rise Risk Perceptions and the Power of Maps to Change Them: The Effects of Distance, Detail, and Doubt Open Access Author: Retchless, David Pahl Title: Understanding Local Sea Level Rise Risk Perceptions and the Power of Maps to Change Them: The Effects of Distance, Detail, and Doubt Graduate Program: Geography Keywords: sea level risecartographyrisk perceptionrisk communication File: Download Retchless-PostDefenseRevisionsFinal.pdf Committee Members: Brenton Yarnal, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorCynthia Ann Brewer, Committee MemberAlexander Klippel, Committee MemberJanet Swim, Committee Member
2. Effects of Static and Interactive Sea Level Rise Maps on Perceptions of Temporal Distance, Risk, and Support for Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies of Sea Level Rise Open Access Author: Fachetti, Joseph Title: Effects of Static and Interactive Sea Level Rise Maps on Perceptions of Temporal Distance, Risk, and Support for Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies of Sea Level Rise Graduate Program: Spatial Data Science Keywords: sea level riseinteractive mapsstatic mapsrisk perceptiontemporal distanceclimate change policy support File: Download Fachetti_Thesis_SLR_Risk_Temporal_Distance_V2.pdf Committee Members: Fritz Connor Kessler, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorManzhu Yu, Committee MemberAnthony Robinson, Program Head/Chair