1. The Influence of Personal, Psychological, and Classroom Contextual Factors on Attitudes Toward EMI and Satisfaction with Coursework in EMI Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Althowaini, Ebtesam M Title: The Influence of Personal, Psychological, and Classroom Contextual Factors on Attitudes Toward EMI and Satisfaction with Coursework in EMI Graduate Program: Curriculum and Instruction Keywords: English-medium instructionsatisfactionL2MSSideal L2 selfought-to L2 selfself-efficacysense of connectednessclassroom learning environmentgenderschool typemediationscienceattitudesEMI File: Login to Download Committee Members: Mari Haneda, Major Field MemberAmy Crosson, Major Field MemberRavinder Koul, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorKevin Kinser, Outside Unit & Field MemberScott Mcdonald, Program Head/Chair