1. DUAL EARNER COUPLES: PREDICTING RELATIONSHIP SATISFACTION AMONG WOMEN WITH FEMALE PARTNERS Open Access Author: Boita, Jodi A Title: DUAL EARNER COUPLES: PREDICTING RELATIONSHIP SATISFACTION AMONG WOMEN WITH FEMALE PARTNERS Graduate Program: Counseling Psychology Keywords: dual earnercouplessame-sexrelationship satisfaction File: Download Boita.pdf Committee Members: Kathleen Bieschke, Committee Chair/Co-ChairConstance Matthews, Committee MemberEdgar Paul Yoder, Committee MemberSpencer Niles, Committee Member
2. Prototypical Assessment of Same-Sex and Opposite-Sex Intimate Partner Violence Using a Control-Based Typology Open Access Author: Blasko, Kelly Title: Prototypical Assessment of Same-Sex and Opposite-Sex Intimate Partner Violence Using a Control-Based Typology Graduate Program: Counseling Psychology Keywords: intimate terrorismsame-sexintimate partner violencesituational couple violence File: Download KellyBlasko.pdf Committee Members: Kathleen Bieschke, Committee Chair/Co-ChairElizabeth Skowron, Committee MemberBenjamin D Locke, Committee MemberMichael Paul Johnson, Committee Member