1. LEARNING THROUGH THEIR EYES: A QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENT EXPERIENCE OF THE SAILPLANE CLASS AT PENN STATE Open Access Author: Wheeler, Timothy Folsom Title: LEARNING THROUGH THEIR EYES: A QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENT EXPERIENCE OF THE SAILPLANE CLASS AT PENN STATE Graduate Program: Curriculum and Instruction Keywords: student voiceaerospace engineeringqualitative researchengineering educationproject-based coursessailplane File: Download Formatted_Thesis_Finalv2.pdf Committee Members: Dr Scott Mc Donald, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDr Scott Mc Donald, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorGregory John Kelly, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorThomas Litzinger, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Utilizing Transitional CFD to Analyze the Performance of a Racing Sailplane Open Access Author: Axten, Christopher Joseph Title: Utilizing Transitional CFD to Analyze the Performance of a Racing Sailplane Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: computational fluid dynamicssailplaneboundary layer transitionaircraft performanceaircraft design File: Download Axten_C_Master_Thesis_Draft_Final.pdf Committee Members: Mark David Maughmer, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSven Schmitz, Committee MemberAmy Ruth Pritchett, Program Head/Chair
3. The Performance of a Competition Sailplane with Variable-Toe Winglets Open Access Author: Chidekel, Philip Title: The Performance of a Competition Sailplane with Variable-Toe Winglets Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: sailplanewingletsvariable geometry File: Download phil_thesis_FINAL_corrected.pdf Committee Members: Amy Pritchett, Program Head/ChairMark David Maughmer, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJames George Coder, Committee MemberSven Schmitz, Committee Member