1. Design and Fabrication of a Nuclear Dry Cask Inspection Robot: Integrating Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Electromagnetic Active Transducer Measurement Methods Open Access Author: Van Sant, Ian Title: Design and Fabrication of a Nuclear Dry Cask Inspection Robot: Integrating Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Electromagnetic Active Transducer Measurement Methods Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: dry cask inspectionnuclear dry caskElectromagnetic Active TransducerLaser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopyrobotic inspection systemremote inspection robotstress corrosion cracking File: Download VanSant-thesis_final.pdf Committee Members: Sean Brennan, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. THE C+C DSM METHOD: MANAGING CHANGE PROPAGATION WHILE PROTOTYPING A ROBOTIC INSPECTION SYSTEM FOR DRY NUCLEAR WASTE STORAGE CASKS Open Access Author: Brennan, Jennifer Bracken Title: THE C+C DSM METHOD: MANAGING CHANGE PROPAGATION WHILE PROTOTYPING A ROBOTIC INSPECTION SYSTEM FOR DRY NUCLEAR WASTE STORAGE CASKS Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: designchange propagationnuclear storage caskrobotic inspection systemprototyping File: Download finalpdf_2018_03_29_Bracken_thesis.pdf Committee Members: Sean N Brennan, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor