1. METHODS OF ESTIMATING WHITE-TAILED DEER ABUNDANCE AT GETTYSBURG NATIONAL MILITARY PARK: TESTING ASSUMPTIONS OF DISTANCE SAMPLING Open Access Author: Stainbrook, David Philip Title: METHODS OF ESTIMATING WHITE-TAILED DEER ABUNDANCE AT GETTYSBURG NATIONAL MILITARY PARK: TESTING ASSUMPTIONS OF DISTANCE SAMPLING Graduate Program: Wildlife and Fisheries Science Keywords: Global Positioning System (GPS)Lincoln-Petersenmark-resightBowdenabundancedensitybiasnon-uniform transectsroadsdistance samplingOdocoileus virginianuswhite-tailed deerresource selectionhabitat useGettysburgPennsylvania File: Download Thesis_DPS_final_2011_high_res.pdf Committee Members: Duane R Diefenbach, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDuane R Diefenbach, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. MOVEMENT AND HABITAT USE OF SIKA AND WHITE-TAILED DEER ON ASSATEAGUE ISLAND NATIONAL SEASHORE, MARYLAND Open Access Author: Christensen, Sonja Ann Title: MOVEMENT AND HABITAT USE OF SIKA AND WHITE-TAILED DEER ON ASSATEAGUE ISLAND NATIONAL SEASHORE, MARYLAND Graduate Program: Wildlife and Fisheries Science Keywords: white-tailed deerresource selectionHabitat usesika deer File: Download SCHRISTENSEN_THESIS_FINAL2010.pdf Committee Members: Duane R Diefenbach, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Movement ecology of Golden Eagles (aquila chrysaetos) in eastern North America Open Access Author: Miller, Tricia Ann Title: Movement ecology of Golden Eagles (aquila chrysaetos) in eastern North America Graduate Program: Ecology Keywords: golden eaglemovementecologyresource selectionhome rangeseasonalmigrationmodeling File: Download Miller_Disseration_final.pdf Committee Members: Robert Brooks, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorRobert Brooks, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMargaret Brittingham Brant, Committee MemberMichael R Gannon, Committee MemberGeorge Young, Committee MemberTodd Katzner, Special Member
4. Exploration of methods for analyses of resource selection using location-based data Open Access Author: Carrollo, Emily Megan Title: Exploration of methods for analyses of resource selection using location-based data Graduate Program: Wildlife and Fisheries Science Keywords: Captive cervid facilitychronic wasting diseaselogistic regressionmule deernegative binomialresource selectionsunflower File: Download Carrollo_ThesisFinalSubmission_04042016.pdf Committee Members: William David Walter, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor