1. Contributions to Adatpive Web Sampling Designs Open Access Author: Xu, Hong Title: Contributions to Adatpive Web Sampling Designs Graduate Program: Statistics Keywords: costadaptive samplingsamplingadaptive web samplingresamplingnonresponses File: Download mythesis.pdf Committee Members: James Landis Rosenberger, Committee Chair/Co-ChairSteve K Thompson, Committee Chair/Co-ChairVernon Michael Chinchilli, Committee MemberRunze Li, Committee MemberMosuk Chow, Committee Member
2. Topics in U-statistics and Risk Estimation Open Access Author: Wang, Qing Title: Topics in U-statistics and Risk Estimation Graduate Program: Statistics Keywords: U-statisticsresamplingnonparametric kernel density estimationrisk estimation File: Download MasterThesis_Qing.pdf Committee Members: Bruce G Lindsay, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorBruce G Lindsay, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Augmenting the bootstrap to analyze high-dimensional genomic data Open Access Author: Tyekucheva, Svitlana Title: Augmenting the bootstrap to analyze high-dimensional genomic data Graduate Program: Statistics Keywords: large-p-small-nbootstrapresamplingregularization File: Download sv_thesis.pdf Committee Members: Francesca Chiaromonte, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDavid Humter, Committee MemberBing Li, Committee MemberKateryna Dmytrivna Makova, Committee Member
4. Central Limit Theorems for Randomly Modulated Sequences of Random Vectors with Resampling and Applications to Statistics Open Access Author: Bagyan, Armine Title: Central Limit Theorems for Randomly Modulated Sequences of Random Vectors with Resampling and Applications to Statistics Graduate Program: Statistics Keywords: limit theoremsrandom modulationergodic stationary sequencessequences of vectorsresampling File: Download Dissertation_ArmineBagyan.pdf Committee Members: Arkady Tempelman, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorBing Li, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorFrancesca Chiaromonte, Committee MemberAlexei Novikov, Special Member