1. Thermal Analysis for Characterizing Effects of Metallurgical Conditions in Nickel Titanium Based Shape Memory Alloys Open Access Author: Miller, Blake Title: Thermal Analysis for Characterizing Effects of Metallurgical Conditions in Nickel Titanium Based Shape Memory Alloys Graduate Program: Engineering Science and Mechanics Keywords: NiTiSMETIMTDSCtransformation temperaturerepeatabilitybuildSMAsizeLDEDadditivemanufacturing File: Download Blake_Miller_Final_Masters_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Albert Segall, Program Head/ChairReginald F Hamilton, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorChristopher Kube, Committee MemberTodd Palmer, Committee Member
2. The Progressive Heat Stress Protocol Open Access Author: Cottle, Rachel Title: The Progressive Heat Stress Protocol Graduate Program: Kinesiology Keywords: global warmingheat balancepsychrometric limitsrepeatabilityuncompensable heat stress File: Download Cottle_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: William Lawrence Kenney, Jr., Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorLacy Marie Alexander, Committee MemberJonathan Dingwell, Professor in Charge/Director of Graduate StudiesGwendolyn A Thomas, Committee Member