1. PERSONALIZED AND EFFICIENT TOP-K SPATIAL OBJECT RECOMMENDATION IN LOCATION BASED SOCIAL NETWORKS Open Access Author: Gupta, Gaurav Title: PERSONALIZED AND EFFICIENT TOP-K SPATIAL OBJECT RECOMMENDATION IN LOCATION BASED SOCIAL NETWORKS Graduate Program: Computer Science and Engineering Keywords: location based social networksrecommendation systemssocial network analysiscollaborative filteringspatial databases File: Download GAURAV_GUPTA.pdf Committee Members: Wang Chien Lee, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorWang Chien Lee, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Supporting claim-making in democratic deliberation through an information recommendation system Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Tian, Ye Title: Supporting claim-making in democratic deliberation through an information recommendation system Graduate Program: Informatics Keywords: Information overloadrecommendation systemsclaim-makingdemocratic deliberation File: Login to Download Committee Members: Andrea Tapia, Major Field MemberJack Carroll, Major Field MemberGuoray Cai, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorJohn Gastil, Outside Unit & Field Member