1. An Empirical Investigation of Investment under Uncertainty with Sunk Costs: Oil Production in Oklahoma Open Access Author: Molls, Boris Title: An Empirical Investigation of Investment under Uncertainty with Sunk Costs: Oil Production in Oklahoma Graduate Program: Economics Keywords: empirical investigationeconometricsdiscrete choiceoil priceuncertaintyreal optionsunk costinvestment File: Download THESIS.pdf Committee Members: Timothy J Considine, Committee MemberJames R. Tybout, Committee MemberSusumu Imai, Committee MemberMark John Roberts, Committee Chair/Co-Chair
2. Partnership Conditions for New Drug Development Based on a Real Option Open Access Author: Kim, Min-Jung Title: Partnership Conditions for New Drug Development Based on a Real Option Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: real optiondrug developmentpartnership File: Download Master_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Tao Yao, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorTao Yao, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorHarriet Black Nembhard, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Essays on Reputation and Capital Expenditure in Real Estate. Open Access Author: Garate Alvarez, Sergio Rodolfo Title: Essays on Reputation and Capital Expenditure in Real Estate. Graduate Program: Business Administration Keywords: real estatecapital expenditureconsumer reviewsreal optionprepayment modeldefault modelcompeting risk model File: Download SergioGarate-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Brent Ambrose, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorBrent William Ambrose, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJiro Yoshida, Committee MemberLiang Peng, Committee MemberPeter William Newberry, Outside MemberAustin Jaffe, Special Member