1. Geographical Techniques to Quantify the Spatial Patterns of Precipitation in U.S. Landfalling Tropical Cyclones Open Access Author: Matyas, Corene J. Title: Geographical Techniques to Quantify the Spatial Patterns of Precipitation in U.S. Landfalling Tropical Cyclones Graduate Program: Geography Keywords: rainfallhurricanegeographic information systemstropical cycloneprecipitationshape analysis File: Download matyasdiss.pdf Committee Members: Andrew Mark Carleton, Committee Chair/Co-ChairBrenton Yarnal, Committee MemberDonna Jean Peuquet, Committee MemberJenni Evans, Committee Member
2. Relationships between rainfall characteristics and environmental predictors in the West African Region Open Access Author: Hamilton, Holly Laurielle Title: Relationships between rainfall characteristics and environmental predictors in the West African Region Graduate Program: Meteorology Keywords: PrecipitationWest African MonsoontopographyAfrican Easterly WavesAfrican Easterly Jetrainfallmesoscale convective systemsregional modelingWeather and Research Forecasting modelWRF File: Download HAMILTON-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Jenni Evans, Dissertation Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Antibiotics in Runoff and Soil from Dairy-Manure Treated Fields Subject to Varied Rainfall Open Access Author: Leventhal, Talia Title: Antibiotics in Runoff and Soil from Dairy-Manure Treated Fields Subject to Varied Rainfall Graduate Program: Agricultural and Biological Engineering Keywords: antibioticsrainfallrunoffsoilwater qualitynutrient managementmanuredisk injectionsurface broadcastrainfall simulations File: Download Leventhal_MS_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Heather Elise Gall, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorTamie Veith, Committee MemberPeter J A Kleinman, Committee Member