1. Design Learning and Creativity in Engineering Education: The Impact of Product Interactions Open Access Author: Toh, Christine Title: Design Learning and Creativity in Engineering Education: The Impact of Product Interactions Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: Engineering designcreativityproduct interactionsproduct dissectionvirtual dissectionlearningself-efficacynovelty File: Download ME_Thesis_Toh_FINAL_v2.pdf Committee Members: Scarlett Rae Miller, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Creativity in Engineering Design: Understanding the Factors The Influence Creative Idea Development Open Access Author: Toh, Christine Title: Creativity in Engineering Design: Understanding the Factors The Influence Creative Idea Development Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: creativityproduct interactionsexample modalityvisual representationconcept selectionrisk aversionambiguity aversion File: Download IE_Thesis_Toh_FINAL_v2.pdf Committee Members: Scarlett Rae Miller, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor