1. Experimentally-manipulated achievement goal states regulate self-conscious emotional responses to feedback Open Access Author: Hyde, Amanda L. Title: Experimentally-manipulated achievement goal states regulate self-conscious emotional responses to feedback Graduate Program: Kinesiology Keywords: motivationprideintraindividualshameachievement goals File: Download Hyde_thesis_11222010_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: David E Conroy, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid E Conroy, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. The Blurred Boundaries of Belgianness: Walloon Intellectuals, Pride, and the Development of Regionalist Rhetoric, 1884-1914 Open Access Author: Hensley, David J. Title: The Blurred Boundaries of Belgianness: Walloon Intellectuals, Pride, and the Development of Regionalist Rhetoric, 1884-1914 Graduate Program: History Keywords: intellectualspridenationalismregionalismWalloniaBelgiumidentity formation File: Download David_J._Hensley_MA_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Sophie C De Schaepdrijver, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. The Significance of Locus-of-Esteem Enhancements in Pride-Based Assessment of the Need for Achievement Open Access Author: Metzler, Jonathan Norman Title: The Significance of Locus-of-Esteem Enhancements in Pride-Based Assessment of the Need for Achievement Graduate Program: Kinesiology Keywords: self-conscious affectcompetence motivationprideneed for achievementcompetence feedback File: Download 070508_Metzler_eTD.pdf Committee Members: David E Conroy, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGeorge M Graham, Committee MemberScott M Hofer, Committee MemberRayne Audrey Sperling, Committee MemberKarl Maxim Newell, Committee Member