1. Investigating the Relationships between Emotional Intelligence and Preservice Teachers' Views of Teacher Effectiveness Open Access Author: Ogrenir, Burcin Title: Investigating the Relationships between Emotional Intelligence and Preservice Teachers' Views of Teacher Effectiveness Graduate Program: Curriculum and Instruction Keywords: teacher effectivenessemotional intelligencepreservice File: Download burcinogrenirdissertation2008.pdf Committee Members: Thomas Daniel Yawkey, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDaniel Dean Hade, Committee MemberSenel Poyrazli, Committee MemberEdgar Paul Yoder, Committee Member
2. Preservice Elementary Teachers’ use of a Discursive Model of Meaning Making in the Co-construction of Science Understanding Open Access Author: Boyer, Elisebeth Connolly Title: Preservice Elementary Teachers’ use of a Discursive Model of Meaning Making in the Co-construction of Science Understanding Graduate Program: Curriculum and Instruction Keywords: elementarysciencepreservicediscourseargument File: Download Boyer_Dissertation_7-16-12.pdf Committee Members: Carla Zembal Saul, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorCarla Zembal Saul, Committee Chair/Co-ChairScott Mc Donald, Committee MemberKimberly Anne Powell, Committee MemberSusan G Strauss, Committee MemberGlendon Wilbur Blume, Special Member