1. Floral Resource Provisioning for Bees in Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic Region Open Access Author: DeBarros, Nelson Bernard Title: Floral Resource Provisioning for Bees in Pennsylvania and the Mid-Atlantic Region Graduate Program: Ecology Keywords: resource provisioningpollinationnative plantsbees File: Download DeBarros_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: David A Mortensen, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid A Mortensen, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Pollination-induced inhibition of maize silk elongation Open Access Author: Sella Kapu, Nuwan Umantha Title: Pollination-induced inhibition of maize silk elongation Graduate Program: Integrative Biosciences Keywords: maize silkpollinationexpansincell wall File: Download Thesis-ss.pdf Committee Members: Daniel J Cosgrove, Committee Chair/Co-ChairTeh Hui Kao, Committee MemberAndrew George Stephenson, Committee MemberDavid M Braun, Committee Member
3. POLLEN NUTRITION, THE FOUNDATION OF BUMBLE BEE FORAGING Open Access Author: Vaudo, Anthony Domiano Title: POLLEN NUTRITION, THE FOUNDATION OF BUMBLE BEE FORAGING Graduate Program: Entomology Keywords: pollinationnutritional ecologypollinatorforaging preferencescolony developmentnutrient regulationpollen nutritionbehavioral ecologyconservation ecology File: Download ADV_Disseration_for_submission.pdf Committee Members: Christina M Grozinger, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorChristina M Grozinger, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJohn Frazier Tooker, Committee MemberHeather M Hines, Committee MemberDavid A Mortensen, Outside MemberHarland Martin Patch, Special Member