1. MICROWAVE PLASMA TORCH FOR ALUMINUM COMBUSTION Open Access Author: Vamos, Michael Anthony Title: MICROWAVE PLASMA TORCH FOR ALUMINUM COMBUSTION Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: aluminumcombustionplasmatorchignitionmicrowavemetal combustionplasma assisted combustionignitercoaxialspectroscopytemperature fittingspectrometer calibrationairsteamcarbon dioxide File: Download Vamos_Thesis_FinalDraft.pdf Committee Members: Richard A Yetter, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorStefan Thynell, Committee Member
2. Non-Catalytic Microwave Ignition of Green Hydrazine Replacements Open Access Author: Auman, Kerstyn Title: Non-Catalytic Microwave Ignition of Green Hydrazine Replacements Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: AF-M315EhydrazinegreenmicrowaveignitioncatalystEPUplasmapowertorch File: Download Thesis_KA_Masters_Final.pdf Committee Members: Dr. Michael Micci, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDr. Amy Pritchett, Committee MemberDr. Sven Bilen, Committee Member