1. Development of a photoacoustic instrument for the determination of the photothermal properties of nanoparticles Open Access Author: Wrubel, Joshua Michael Title: Development of a photoacoustic instrument for the determination of the photothermal properties of nanoparticles Graduate Program: Chemistry Keywords: chemistryanalyticalphotoacousticnanoparticlesgoldiron oxidelaserTEM File: Download Wrubel_Joshua_Masters_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Benjamin James Lear, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid Lawrence Allara, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJohn B Asbury, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF HETEROGENEOUS ICE NUCLEI IN THE ATMOSPHERE Open Access Author: Sihvonen, Sarah Kraft Title: CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF HETEROGENEOUS ICE NUCLEI IN THE ATMOSPHERE Graduate Program: Chemistry Keywords: atmospheric aerosolice nucleationX-ray diffractionmineral dustclay mineralkaolinitemontmorillonitefly ashphotoacoustic File: Download Sihvonen_Dissertation_Final.pdf Committee Members: Miriam Arak Freedman, Dissertation Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Citrate-based Biomaterials for Bioimaging Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Shan, Dingying Title: Citrate-based Biomaterials for Bioimaging Graduate Program: Bioengineering Keywords: citratedegradationbioimagingfluorescencephotoacousticMRIoptical fiber File: Login to Download Committee Members: Jian Yang, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJian Yang, Committee Chair/Co-ChairNanyin Zhang, Committee MemberYong Wang, Committee MemberHarry R Allcock, Outside Member