1. STRUCTURAL ELUCIDATION, MOLECULAR REPRESENTATION AND SOLVENT INTERACTIONS OF VITRINITE-RICH AND INERTINITE-RICH SOUTH AFRICAN COALS Open Access Author: Van Niekerk, Daniel Title: STRUCTURAL ELUCIDATION, MOLECULAR REPRESENTATION AND SOLVENT INTERACTIONS OF VITRINITE-RICH AND INERTINITE-RICH SOUTH AFRICAN COALS Graduate Program: Energy and Geo-Environmental Engineering Keywords: coal-to-liquidssolvent extractioncoalmaceralsreflectancepetrographymolecular modeling File: Download Daniel_Van_Niekerk_2008_high_quality.pdf Committee Members: Jonathan P Mathews, Committee Chair/Co-ChairHarold Harris Schobert, Committee MemberCaroline Elaine Clifford, Committee MemberPaul C Painter, Committee Member
2. Shrinkage Cracking Potential & Petrographic Analysis of Concrete with MgO Expansive Admixture Open Access Author: Bazer, Abdulsamed Title: Shrinkage Cracking Potential & Petrographic Analysis of Concrete with MgO Expansive Admixture Graduate Program: Civil Engineering Keywords: shrinkagerestrained ring testMgO expansive admixtureMgO concretepetrographythin sectionsconcretecementitious admixturesshrinkage crackingcracking potentialmicrostructure of concretefluorescence microscopypolarized light microscopyscanning electrom microscopySEMEDSconcrete petrography File: Download SAMET_THESIS_FULL_reviewed_edited_on_20_december.pdf Committee Members: Aleksandra Z Radlinska, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorShelley Marie Stoffels, Committee MemberPatrick Joseph Fox, Committee Member