1. PLANT-MEDIATED EFFECTS ON INSECT-VIRUS INTERACTIONS Open Access Author: Plymale, Ruth Title: PLANT-MEDIATED EFFECTS ON INSECT-VIRUS INTERACTIONS Graduate Program: Entomology Keywords: Heliothis virescensperitrophic matrixtritrophic interactionsbiological controlbaculoviruspathogenesis File: Download R_Plymale_thesis_20_July_06.pdf Committee Members: Kelli Hoover, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDiana Lynn Cox Foster, Committee MemberGary Felton, Committee MemberKelly Johnson, Committee MemberA Daniel Jones, Committee Member
2. Roles Of Chitinases And Jaz Genes In Maize Herbivore Defense Open Access Author: Han, Yang Title: Roles Of Chitinases And Jaz Genes In Maize Herbivore Defense Graduate Program: Genetics Keywords: maizefall armywormherbivore-induced plant defensechitinasejasmonic acidJAZ genesperitrophic matrix File: Download Yang_Han_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Dawn S Luthe, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorSurinder Chopra, Committee Chair/Co-ChairMajid R Foolad, Committee MemberYinong Yang, Special Member