1. GELATION AND MICELLE STRUCTURE CHANGES OF AQUEOUS POLYMER SOLUTIONS Open Access Author: Guo, Liang Title: GELATION AND MICELLE STRUCTURE CHANGES OF AQUEOUS POLYMER SOLUTIONS Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: gelatingelationrheologypercolationmicelleSANS File: Download guothesis.pdf Committee Members: Ralph H Colby, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJames Patrick Runt, Committee MemberQing Wang, Committee MemberGregory Ray Ziegler, Committee Member
2. Thermodynamics of Complex Fluids for Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Open Access Author: Magzymov, Daulet Title: Thermodynamics of Complex Fluids for Chemical Enhanced Oil Recovery Graduate Program: Energy and Mineral Engineering Keywords: thermodynamicsenhanced oil recoverycomplex fluidschemical EOR; EOR; phase behaviormicroemulsionflash calculationcharacteristic lengthsolubilizationalkalisoapviscous layeremulsionk-valuepartitioningviscositypercolationcompositionternary diagramlowsallow salinitywaterfloodingreservoir simulationkineticsdispersionreactive transportporous mediatransportthermodynamics enhanced oil recoveryEORchemical EORsurfactantphase behaviorequilibriumK-value File: Download Daulet_Magzymov_PhD_Dissertation_Penn_State.pdf Committee Members: Russell Taylor Johns, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorRussell Taylor Johns, Committee Chair/Co-ChairZuleima T Karpyn, Committee MemberGregory R King, Committee MemberThemis Matsoukas, Outside MemberMort D Webster, Program Head/Chair