1. Content Knowledge and Classroom Inquiry Style: Factors Influencing Inquiry-based Science Teaching Practice of Elementary Student Teachers Open Access Author: Ward, Annmarie Rehm Title: Content Knowledge and Classroom Inquiry Style: Factors Influencing Inquiry-based Science Teaching Practice of Elementary Student Teachers Graduate Program: Curriculum and Instruction Keywords: teacher preparationpedagogical content knowledgecurricular visionclassroom inquiryorientation toward teaching scienceelementary science teaching File: Download DISSAnnmarieRWard2.pdf Committee Members: Carla Zembal Saul, Committee Chair/Co-ChairGregory John Kelly, Committee Chair/Co-ChairScott P Mcdonald, Committee MemberBernard Joel Badiali, Committee Member
2. A Substantive-Level Theory of Highly-Regarded Secondary Biology Teachers' Science Teaching Orientations Open Access Author: Friedrichsen, Patricia Jean Title: A Substantive-Level Theory of Highly-Regarded Secondary Biology Teachers' Science Teaching Orientations Graduate Program: Curriculum and Instruction Keywords: science teaching orientationsgrounded theorypedagogical content knowledge File: Download etd.pdf Committee Members: Vincent Norman Lunetta, Committee MemberCarla Zembal Saul, Committee MemberThomas M Dana, Committee Chair/Co-ChairHeidi Appel, Committee Member
3. The development of L2 writing teachers' pedagogical content knowledge in teaching activity Open Access Author: Worden, Dorothy L Title: The development of L2 writing teachers' pedagogical content knowledge in teaching activity Graduate Program: Applied Linguistics Keywords: second language writingteacher cognitionpedagogical content knowledgesociocultural theory File: Download Worden_Dissertation_Final_7-7-2015.pdf Committee Members: Athelstan Canagarajah, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorAthelstan Canagarajah, Committee Chair/Co-ChairKaren E Johnson, Committee MemberDeryn Phillips Verity, Committee MemberXiaoye You, Committee Member