1. Real-Time Trajectory Generation for Target Localization Using Micro Air Vehicles Open Access Author: Corbets, Jeffrey Title: Real-Time Trajectory Generation for Target Localization Using Micro Air Vehicles Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: uavmavlocalizationplanningpathtrajectoryreal timemicrotargettracking File: Download JeffCorbetsThesis.pdf Committee Members: Jacob Willem Langelaan, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. The expression and conceptualization of motion through space and manner of motion in Persian and English: A comparative analysis Open Access Author: Feiz Zarrin Ghalam, Parastou Title: The expression and conceptualization of motion through space and manner of motion in Persian and English: A comparative analysis Graduate Program: Applied Linguistics Keywords: motion eventpathmannerPersiandiscourse analysis File: Download Feiz_Zarrin_Ghalam.pdf Committee Members: Susan G Strauss, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJames Lantolf, Committee MemberKaren E Johnson, Committee MemberPhilip Baldi, Committee Member
3. Advanced algorithms for the design and analysis of synthetic genetic parts Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Hossain, Ayaan Title: Advanced algorithms for the design and analysis of synthetic genetic parts Graduate Program: Bioinformatics and Genomics (PhD) Keywords: automateddesignsyntheticgeneticpartscombinatorialoptimizationmachinelearningalgorithmpromotermRNAtranscriptiontranslationdecayrepressionCRISPRrepeatsinterferencegraphtheorypathfindingnonrepetitiverepetitivegenesynthesisassemblyoligopooldiscoverybarcodesprimerscountingNGSreadsclassifierclassificationregressorregressionrandomforestLASSOridgehomologousrecombinationinstabilitytuningefficiencyplasmidsgenomeengineeringdegenerateIUPACvertexcoverindependentsetinitiation File: Login to Download Committee Members: Paul Babitzke, Outside Unit MemberHoward Salis, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorCostas Maranas, Major Field MemberReka Albert, Outside Field MemberGeorge Perry, Program Head/Chair