1. Equilibrium Physics in Particulate Flow Open Access Author: Parkhill, Alexander Earl Title: Equilibrium Physics in Particulate Flow Graduate Program: Aerospace Engineering Keywords: Stokes dragdropletparticleLagrangian trackingTwo-phase flowequilibriumtracer File: Download Parkhill_Masters_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Mario F Trujillo, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Computational Predictions and Experimental Measurements of the Performance of a Louver Particle Separator for Use in Gas Turbine Engines Open Access Author: Musgrove, Grant Omer Title: Computational Predictions and Experimental Measurements of the Performance of a Louver Particle Separator for Use in Gas Turbine Engines Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: louverparticlesandseparatorturbine File: Download Grant_Musgrove_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Karen Ann Thole, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorKaren Ann Thole, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Computational Studies of Protein and Particle Transport in Membrane System Open Access Author: Kim, Myung-man Title: Computational Studies of Protein and Particle Transport in Membrane System Graduate Program: Chemical Engineering Keywords: membranesimulationsproteinparticle File: Download Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Brian Dempsey, Committee MemberDarrell Velegol, Committee MemberAndrew Zydney, Committee Chair/Co-ChairAli Borhan, Committee Member
4. Experimental and Computational Investigations of Platinum and Gallium Nitride Vapor Deposition Processes Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Campbell, Ian Title: Experimental and Computational Investigations of Platinum and Gallium Nitride Vapor Deposition Processes Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: atomic layer depositionchemical vapor depositionplatinumgallium nitridedensity functional theorymesoporous nitrogen doped carbonnucleiparticlethin film File: Login to Download Committee Members: Suzanne Mohney, Chair & Dissertation AdvisorSusan Sinnott, Major Field MemberFeifei Shi, Outside Unit & Field MemberJoan Redwing, Major Field MemberJohn Mauro, Program Head/Chair