1. The Influences of Demographic and Parenting Variables on Early Adolescent Moral Decisions Open Access Author: Hutchinson, Claudia Gay Title: The Influences of Demographic and Parenting Variables on Early Adolescent Moral Decisions Graduate Program: Counselor Education Keywords: parenting stylesparental controlparental support File: Download final_dissertation-12-17_2.pdf Committee Members: Richard Hazler, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJo Lyn Carney, Committee MemberEdgar I Farmer Sr., Committee MemberSpencer Niles, Committee Member
2. Does Motivation Mediate The Effect Of Parental Influence On Urban, Minority Adolescents’ Physically Active Leisure? Open Access Author: Scott, Jason Lovejoy Title: Does Motivation Mediate The Effect Of Parental Influence On Urban, Minority Adolescents’ Physically Active Leisure? Graduate Program: Recreation and Parks Keywords: physical activityleisureadolescentsminorityurbanparental support File: Download Scott.pdf Committee Members: Linda L Caldwell, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorGarry Chick, Committee MemberBenjamin Daniel Hickerson, Committee MemberEdward A Smith, Committee Member