1. PROFILING PARENT-ADOLESCENT RELATIONSHIPS: A PATTERN-ANALYTIC APPROACH TO RELATIONSHIP QUALITY Open Access Author: Head, Melissa R Title: PROFILING PARENT-ADOLESCENT RELATIONSHIPS: A PATTERN-ANALYTIC APPROACH TO RELATIONSHIP QUALITY Graduate Program: Human Development and Family Studies Keywords: parent-adolescent relationshipscluster analysis File: Download etd.pdf Committee Members: Ann Caverly Crouter, Committee Chair/Co-ChairSusan Marie Mc Hale, Committee MemberCraig Edelbrock, Committee MemberMichael Paul Johnson, Committee Member
2. THE WORK-FAMILY INTERFACE FOR FAMILIES WITH ADOLESCENTS: EXPLORING THE ROLE OF WORK-FAMILY CULTURE Open Access Author: Blocklin, Michelle Kerrie Title: THE WORK-FAMILY INTERFACE FOR FAMILIES WITH ADOLESCENTS: EXPLORING THE ROLE OF WORK-FAMILY CULTURE Graduate Program: Human Development and Family Studies Keywords: work and familywork-family cultureparent-adolescent relationshipsfamily systemsadolescent adjustment File: Download Blocklin_Dissertation_Final.pdf Committee Members: Ann C. Crouter, Committee Chair/Co-ChairSusan M. McHale, Committee MemberKathryn Hynes, Committee MemberRachel A. Smith, Committee Member