1. IMPROVING ESTIMATION FOR EXPONENTIAL-FAMILY RANDOM GRAPH MODELS Open Access Author: Hummel, Ruth M Title: IMPROVING ESTIMATION FOR EXPONENTIAL-FAMILY RANDOM GRAPH MODELS Graduate Program: Statistics Keywords: composite likelihoodpenalized likelihoodpseudolikelihoodmaximum likelihood estimationexponential random graph modelbias correctionMean value parameterization%Maximum likelihood estimationparameter estimationMarkov chain Monte CarloExponential family random graph modelcontrastive divergenceexponential familiesconvex hull File: Download RuthMHummel-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: David Russell Hunter, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid Russell Hunter, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJames Landis Rosenberger, Committee MemberMurali Haran, Committee MemberScott David Gest, Committee Member
2. Parameter Estimation For Subdiffusive Processes With Applications To Microrheology Open Access Author: Bernstein, Jason Title: Parameter Estimation For Subdiffusive Processes With Applications To Microrheology Graduate Program: Statistics Keywords: Subdiffusionparameter estimation File: Download Masters_March_18.pdf Committee Members: John Fricks, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Post-earthquake collapse prognostication of structural systems using sparse response data Open Access Author: Kolli, Purna Chand Title: Post-earthquake collapse prognostication of structural systems using sparse response data Graduate Program: Civil Engineering Keywords: Collapse prognosticationsparse response datagenetic algorithmsparameter estimationnonlinear structural systems File: Download Purna_Kolli_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Gordon Patrick Warn, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor