1. DETECTION AND EVALUATION OF COMMUNITY STRUCTURES IN SOCIAL NETWORKS Open Access Author: Ghurye, Akshay Dattatraya Title: DETECTION AND EVALUATION OF COMMUNITY STRUCTURES IN SOCIAL NETWORKS Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: parallel programmingcommunity detectionoverlappingsocial networkscomplexity File: Download AkshayGhurye-Thesis.pdf Committee Members: Soundar Kumara, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorSoundar R. T. Kumara, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Overlapping Aesthetic Perspectives as International, Revolutionary Space in Presentations from the German Revolution to the Spanish Civil War Open Access Author: Nissler, Paul Joseph Title: Overlapping Aesthetic Perspectives as International, Revolutionary Space in Presentations from the German Revolution to the Spanish Civil War Graduate Program: German Keywords: overlappingspanish civil wargerman revolutionliterary space File: Download dissertationfinalpaul.pdf Committee Members: Daniel Leonhard Purdy, Committee Chair/Co-ChairLisa Surwillo, Committee MemberGreg Eghigian, Committee MemberBettina Mathias, Committee MemberThomas Oliver Beebee, Committee Member