1. The Experience of Using Reflective Journals on an Outward Bound Course Open Access Author: Eichler, David Franklin Title: The Experience of Using Reflective Journals on an Outward Bound Course Graduate Program: Adult Education Keywords: adventure educationOutward Boundjournalingexperiential educationoutdoor educationreflection File: Download David_Eichler_Final_Dissertation_1_.pdf Committee Members: Patricia Angelica Cranton, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorPatricia Angelica Cranton, Committee Chair/Co-ChairDaniele D Flannery, Committee MemberSamuel William Monismith, Committee MemberGeorge Richard Vahoviak, Committee Member
2. PARENTAL PARTICIPATION IN NON-FORMAL EDUCATION ACTIVITIES Open Access Author: Berardi, Mary Kate Title: PARENTAL PARTICIPATION IN NON-FORMAL EDUCATION ACTIVITIES Graduate Program: Agricultural and Extension Education Keywords: barriersinvolvementoutdoor educationinformal educationnon-formal education File: Download Berardi_Masters_Thesis.pdf Committee Members: John Ewing, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJohn Ewing, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor