1. Patterns of Force: A Comparison of Data Sources on Officer-Involved Homicide Rates Open Access Author: Fry, Sarah V Title: Patterns of Force: A Comparison of Data Sources on Officer-Involved Homicide Rates Graduate Program: Sociology Keywords: policeuse of forcehomicide by policejustifiable homicidestructural equation modelingsemorganizational complexityorganizational controllaw enforcementpolice brutalitymapping police violencefatal encountersthe countedsupplementary homicide reportsshruniform crime reports File: Download Sarah_Fry_-_Patterns_of_Force_-_Dissertation_Final_Draft.pdf Committee Members: Eric Plutzer, Outside Unit & Field MemberScott Yabiku, Professor in Charge/Director of Graduate StudiesRichard Felson, Major Field MemberJohn Iceland, Major Field MemberEric Baumer, Chair & Dissertation Advisor