1. Social-Aware Data Dissemination in Opportunistic Mobile Networks Open Access Author: Gao, Wei Title: Social-Aware Data Dissemination in Opportunistic Mobile Networks Graduate Program: Computer Science and Engineering Keywords: opportunistic mobile networksdata disseminationsocial networksmobile computinguser interestcentralitycommunity File: Download dissertation_WeiGao.pdf Committee Members: Guohong Cao, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorC Lee Giles, Committee MemberGeorge Kesidis, Committee MemberXiaolong Zhang, Committee Member
2. Security and Privacy Support for Mobile Sensing Open Access Author: Li, Qinghua Title: Security and Privacy Support for Mobile Sensing Graduate Program: Computer Science and Engineering Keywords: mobile sensingsecurity and privacyincentivedata aggregationopportunistic mobile networks File: Download dissertation_QinghuaLi.pdf Committee Members: Guohong Cao, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorThomas F Laporta, Committee MemberSencun Zhu, Committee MemberAylin Yener, Committee Member