1. Computation of Viscous Multiphase Hydrodynamics and Ship Motions During Wave-Slap Events and Wave Excited Roll Open Access Author: Smith, Kevin Title: Computation of Viscous Multiphase Hydrodynamics and Ship Motions During Wave-Slap Events and Wave Excited Roll Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: wave breakingtumblehomeoscillating cylinderprescribed motionRANSCFDVOF6DOFseakeepingwave impactwave modelfree surfacesponge layernumerical beachdissipation zonebox bargemesh motiondeep watershallow waternon reflecting boundary conditionopenfoamfinite volume methodwave dissipationimpact load scaling File: Download KevinSmithMSThesisPSUETDr2.pdf Committee Members: Eric Paterson, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorEric Paterson, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. NUMERICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF A CONTINUUM PLATELET AGGREGATION MODEL Open Access Author: Samra, Stefan Basil Title: NUMERICAL IMPLEMENTATION OF A CONTINUUM PLATELET AGGREGATION MODEL Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: openfoamplatelet aggregationthrombosisnumerical File: Download MSFinalThesisStefanSamraNov17.pdf Committee Members: Eric G Paterson, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorEric G Paterson, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
3. Effect of Grid Topology and Resolution on Computation of Steady and Unsteady Internal Flows Open Access Author: McHale, Steven Patrick Title: Effect of Grid Topology and Resolution on Computation of Steady and Unsteady Internal Flows Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: openfoampulsatileinternal flowgrid topologygrid study File: Download MastersThesis.pdf Committee Members: Eric Paterson, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorEric G Paterson, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
4. The Effect of Urban Density on Building HVAC Performance Open Access Author: Gracik, Stefan M Title: The Effect of Urban Density on Building HVAC Performance Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: urbandensitycfdopenfoamenergyplusenergy efficiencyhvacoutdoor cfdurban heat island File: Download thesis_Stefan_gracik_final.pdf Committee Members: Dr Jelena Srebric, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
5. A Phase-Lag Approach to Incompressible CFD Simulations with Emphasis on the Unsteady Interaction of Hydroturbine Blades Open Access Author: Wouden, Alex Michael Title: A Phase-Lag Approach to Incompressible CFD Simulations with Emphasis on the Unsteady Interaction of Hydroturbine Blades Graduate Program: Mechanical Engineering Keywords: hydropowerhydroturbineCFDchorochronicphase-lagincompressibleopenfoam File: Download AlexMWouden-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: John Michael Cimbala, Dissertation Advisor/Co-Advisor