1. UNDERSTANDING ONLINE STUDENT SUCCESS THROUGH THE USE OF ASTIN’S IEO MODEL Open Access Author: Kuhn, Maeghen Leigh MacDonald Title: UNDERSTANDING ONLINE STUDENT SUCCESS THROUGH THE USE OF ASTIN’S IEO MODEL Graduate Program: Higher Education Keywords: online educationonline learningonline studentsstudent successalexander astinIEO Modelstudent satisfactionstudent preferencesonline pedagogypenn state world campusstudent surveydistance educationonline student satisfactiononline student preferences File: Download MacDonald_Kuhn_Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: David Guthrie, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid Guthrie, Committee Chair/Co-ChairKaren Paulson, Committee MemberAdnan Qayyum, Committee MemberCraig Weidemann, Outside Member