1. ONE SIZE FITS ALL?: PROFILES OF DIFFERENTIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAJECTORIES IN OLD AGE Open Access Author: Morack , Jennifer Title: ONE SIZE FITS ALL?: PROFILES OF DIFFERENTIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAJECTORIES IN OLD AGE Graduate Program: Human Development and Family Studies Keywords: latent profile analysisdifferential agingold age File: Download masters_gradschool_morack_revised.pdf Committee Members: Denis Gerstorf, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorDenis Gerstorf, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Gilded Old Age: Superannuation and the Making of Old Age in Nineteenth-Century America Restricted (Penn State Only) Author: Windon, Nathaniel Arthur Title: Gilded Old Age: Superannuation and the Making of Old Age in Nineteenth-Century America Graduate Program: English Keywords: American literatureAfrican American literatureold agepolitical economysuperannuation File: Login to Download Committee Members: Christopher Dean Castiglia, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorChristopher Dean Castiglia, Committee Chair/Co-ChairHester Blum, Committee MemberShirley Moody, Committee MemberMatthew Samuel Kaplan, Outside Member