1. LI’L FATTIES: A TEXTUAL ANALYSIS OF GENDER, RACE, AND CLASS IDENTITY PORTRAYALS OF OVERWEIGHT AND OBESE CHILDREN IN POPULAR CHILDREN’S FILMS Open Access Author: Guldin, Rachel Elizabeth Title: LI’L FATTIES: A TEXTUAL ANALYSIS OF GENDER, RACE, AND CLASS IDENTITY PORTRAYALS OF OVERWEIGHT AND OBESE CHILDREN IN POPULAR CHILDREN’S FILMS Graduate Program: Media Studies Keywords: childrenfilmmovieoverweightobesefatchildracegenderclass File: Download Guldin.Rachel.MAThesis2011.pdf Committee Members: Dr Jeanne Lynn Hall, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJeanne Lynn Hall, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. The metabolically healthy obese phenotype as a paradigm to clarify the relationship between obesity and disease Open Access Author: Durward, Carrie Margaret Title: The metabolically healthy obese phenotype as a paradigm to clarify the relationship between obesity and disease Graduate Program: Nutrition Keywords: healthMetabolic healthobeseobesityoverweightweight losssurvival analysistotal mortalitydiet File: Download Durward_dissertation_2012-12-5_FINAL.pdf Committee Members: Sharon Nickols Richardson, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorPenny Margaret Kris Etherton, Committee MemberTerryl Johnson Hartman, Committee MemberConnie Jo Rogers, Committee MemberEric Loken, Committee Member
3. Effects of a dairy-rich diet on modulating biomarkers of inflammation in weight-stable overweight and obese adults Open Access Author: Scoular, Katelyn Marie Title: Effects of a dairy-rich diet on modulating biomarkers of inflammation in weight-stable overweight and obese adults Graduate Program: Nutrition Keywords: dairymilkinflammationoverweightobese File: Download PS_Thesis_KMS_27_June_2013.pdf Committee Members: Dr Sharon M Nickols Richardson, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor