1. NONPARAMETRIC TECHNIQUES IN FINITE MIXTURE OF REGRESSION MODELS Open Access Author: Huang, Mian Title: NONPARAMETRIC TECHNIQUES IN FINITE MIXTURE OF REGRESSION MODELS Graduate Program: Statistics Keywords: mixture of regression modelsnonparametric regressionEM algorithmmixture of Gaussian processes File: Download Dissertation_MianHuang.pdf Committee Members: Runze Li, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorRunze Li, Committee Chair/Co-ChairThomas P Hettmansperger, Committee MemberDavid Russell Hunter, Committee MemberBruce G Lindsay, Committee MemberHoben Thomas, Committee Member
2. Varying-Coefficient Models: New Models, Inference Procedures, and Applications Open Access Author: Wang, Yang Title: Varying-Coefficient Models: New Models, Inference Procedures, and Applications Graduate Program: Statistics Keywords: Monte Carlo simulationsemi-parametricsemiparametricnonparametric regressionkernel regressionlocal likelihoodgeneralized likelihood ratio testcross validationTime-varying-coefficient modelNonlinearLocal LinearVarying-coefficient Modelforecastingbandwidthbootstrapingbootstrap File: Download phdthesis.pdf Committee Members: Runze Li, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJingzhi Huang, Committee Chair/Co-ChairJames Landis Rosenberger, Committee MemberDamla Senturk, Committee Member
3. Statistical Models for Scalar Response with Longitudinal Covariates Open Access Author: YANG , HANYU Title: Statistical Models for Scalar Response with Longitudinal Covariates Graduate Program: Statistics Keywords: longitudinal studyfunctional datanonparametric regressionmeasurement errorgeneralized linear modelzero-inflated count File: Download HanyuYang-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Runze Li, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorRunze Li, Committee Chair/Co-ChairNaomi S Altman, Committee MemberZhibiao Zhao, Committee MemberStephanie Trea Lanza, Committee Member