1. Correlation of the Microstructure and Electrical Transport Properties of Glassy Carbon Nanofibers Open Access Author: Lentz, Christina Marie Title: Correlation of the Microstructure and Electrical Transport Properties of Glassy Carbon Nanofibers Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: nanoporous carbonnon-graphitizing carbonglassy carbonnanofiberselectrical transport File: Download C_Lentz_Thesis_-_Final.pdf Committee Members: Md Amanul Haque, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorMd Amanul Haque, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. NANOFIBER REGULATION OF CELLULAR MIGRATORY MECHANISMS Open Access Author: Bowers, Daniel Thorn Title: NANOFIBER REGULATION OF CELLULAR MIGRATORY MECHANISMS Graduate Program: Bioengineering Keywords: tissue engineeringscaffoldnanofibersdiametermigrationfocal adhesion File: Download BowersDT_-_Dissertation_SUBMITTED.pdf Committee Members: Justin L. Brown, Ph.D., Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorJustin L. Brown, Ph.D., Committee Chair/Co-ChairPeter J. Butler, Ph.D., Committee MemberWilliam O. Hancock, Ph.D., Committee MemberChristopher U. Niyibizi, Ph.D., Outside Member
3. Aligned Electrospun Starch-Pullulan-Protein Nanofibers Open Access Author: Mukka, Shravya Title: Aligned Electrospun Starch-Pullulan-Protein Nanofibers Graduate Program: Food Science Keywords: starchWPIGMPelectrospinningbiodegradablebiocompatiblebioactivecultivated meatedibleOSA starchpullulannanofibersaligned nanofibersscaffoldGRAS File: Download Shravya.Mukka.Masters.Thesis.Summer.2022.with.revisions.pdf Committee Members: Robert Roberts, Program Head/ChairGreg Ziegler, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorHelene Hopfer, Committee MemberJosephine Wee, Committee Member