1. Fundamental Investigation of Gas Storage and Transport in Shales Open Access Author: Chakraborty, Nirjhor Title: Fundamental Investigation of Gas Storage and Transport in Shales Graduate Program: Energy and Mineral Engineering Keywords: shale gassupercritical fluidsnanopores and fluid confinementgas densificationadsorption-desorptionsurface diffusion3D X-ray CT Imagingsub-resolution and multi-scale imagingpetrophysics and characterizationmulti-phase multi-mechanistic modeling File: Download Nirjhor_Chakraborty_Dissertation_Post-Defense_final_draft.pdf Committee Members: Zuleima T Karpyn, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorZuleima T Karpyn, Committee Chair/Co-ChairShimin Liu, Committee MemberHamid Emami-Meybodi, Committee MemberMichael Charles Hillman, Outside Member