1. Searching Through Time: Shaping Eliminates The Simple Interval-Ratio Advantage For Unimanual Tapping Open Access Author: Eder, Jeffrey Ryan Title: Searching Through Time: Shaping Eliminates The Simple Interval-Ratio Advantage For Unimanual Tapping Graduate Program: Psychology Keywords: imitationshapingsimple interval-ratio advantagefinger tappingknowledge of resultsrepresentationmotor timingmotor controlfeedbackrhythmic movement File: Download Eder_Jeffrey_Dissertation_January_4_2011_Submitted.pdf Committee Members: David A. Rosenbaum, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorDavid A. Rosenbaum, Committee Chair/Co-ChairRichard Alan Carlson, Committee MemberRick Owen Gilmore, Committee MemberPeter Cm Molenaar, Committee Member