1. Interior point schemes for mixed-binary quadratic programs: Computational investigations and applications to unit commitment problems Open Access Author: Wan, Wendian Title: Interior point schemes for mixed-binary quadratic programs: Computational investigations and applications to unit commitment problems Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: Interior point methodquadratic programmingmixed integer programming File: Download Wendian-Dissertation.pdf Committee Members: Vinayak V Shanbhag, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Integration of Product Design and Supply Chain Performance for Multi-Market Conditions Open Access Author: Li, Yuxi Title: Integration of Product Design and Supply Chain Performance for Multi-Market Conditions Graduate Program: Industrial Engineering Keywords: product designsupply chaindesign for assemblydesign for profitmixed integer programming File: Download Thesis_YUXI_gk.pdf Committee Members: Gul Okudan Kremer, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorJianhua Chen, Committee MemberXinli Wu, Committee Member