1. COMPREHENSION OF SCIENTIFIC TEXTS DURING READING: THE EFFECTS OF PRIOR KNOWLEDGE AND TEXT STRUCTURE Open Access Author: Lin, Yu-Chu Title: COMPREHENSION OF SCIENTIFIC TEXTS DURING READING: THE EFFECTS OF PRIOR KNOWLEDGE AND TEXT STRUCTURE Graduate Program: Educational Psychology Keywords: refutationreading comprehensionmisconception File: Download master_thesis_yuchu_lin_11_18_11.pdf Committee Members: Bonnie J Meyer, Thesis Advisor/Co-AdvisorBonnie J Meyer, Thesis Advisor/Co-Advisor
2. Instructional Effects of Refutation Text on Different Types of Knowledge Open Access Author: Ntshalintshali, General M Title: Instructional Effects of Refutation Text on Different Types of Knowledge Graduate Program: Learning, Design, and Technology Keywords: refutation textdeclarative knowledgeconceptual knowledgeprocedural knowledgemisconceptionconceptual change File: Download General_Ntshalintshali_Dissertation_May_11_2014.pdf Committee Members: Roy Clariana, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorRoy Clariana, Committee Chair/Co-ChairKyle Leonard Peck, Committee MemberEdgar Paul Yoder, Committee MemberIrene Johnston Petrick, Committee MemberSimon Richard Hooper, Committee Member