1. Surface Micromachined Peristaltic Pumps Using Lead Zirconate Titanate Film Open Access Author: Hong, Eunki Title: Surface Micromachined Peristaltic Pumps Using Lead Zirconate Titanate Film Graduate Program: Materials Science and Engineering Keywords: surface micromachiningmicropumpinterdigitated electrodediaphragm actuatorMEMSPZT File: Download etd.pdf Committee Members: Susan E Trolier Mckinstry, Committee Chair/Co-ChairClive A Randall, Committee MemberSrinivas A Tadigadapa, Committee MemberS V Krishnaswamy, Committee Member
2. Enzyme Molecules as Nanomotors and Micropumps Open Access Author: Sengupta, Samudra Title: Enzyme Molecules as Nanomotors and Micropumps Graduate Program: Chemistry Keywords: enzymesingle-moleculediffusionnanomotorchemotaxismicropump File: Download 1-PhD_Dissertation_Samudra_Sengupta.pdf Committee Members: Ayusman Sen, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorThomas E Mallouk, Committee MemberJohn V Badding, Committee MemberPeter J Butler, Special Member
3. POLYMER ANTIMICROBIAL AND SELF-POWERED MICRODEVICES Open Access Author: Zhang, Hua Title: POLYMER ANTIMICROBIAL AND SELF-POWERED MICRODEVICES Graduate Program: Chemistry Keywords: antimicrobial polymerantibacterial polymerstimuli responsive polymermicromotormicropump File: Download PhD_thesis_reformatted.pdf Committee Members: Ayusman Sen, Dissertation Advisor/Co-AdvisorHarry R Allcock, Committee MemberGong Chen, Committee MemberQing Wang, Committee Member